

What if fluoride is not good for us? It helps our teeth and bones growth but at what cost? Here are the facts:
Fluoride is a term use to describe compounds from a poisonous gas called Fluorine. These substances have many industrial uses,and protection of tooth enamel is not the most important.
In 1945 the Russians and Germans, fluoridated their water because they believed that it promotes passivity to people, so they can lower the number of guards in concentration camps.
The dental association instructed dentists to use fluoride on patient. Soon fluoride was a matter of public debate, but the debate was uneven, it's focus is on the oral benefits of fluoride without mentioning its other effects, or even mentioning where fluoride really comes from.
Scientists paid by the industrial coalitions only said that fluoride was safe as 1 part per 1000000, and after that dosage, fluoride is bad.

While it can benefit teeth and bones, the potential dangers from this substance may far outweigh the dental perks. Exposure to fluorine can reduce IQ, damage teeth, and cause arthritis.Using fluoridated toothpaste and drinking fluoridated water causes a condition that is called fluorosis, it shows as brown spots on teeth once present. 
If is bad for us, why does it remains in the water supply? Most importantly, where does it come from?
The fluoride in America comes from aluminum factories and phosphate fertilizer. The fluoride found in toothpaste and in the water supply, are different. The fluoride found in water is a byproduct to the aluminum factories.
The manufactures of the A Bomb required millions of tons of fluoride, considering the first on the job law sues on the atomic program, were for fluoride exposure not radiation. This all might be a scheme to pacify the common man for a new world order.

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