
Other Dimensions

Every decision we make has consequences. Every meal , every step, every conversation we have, every kiss and every breath means you didn’t do something else. Everyone around is doing the same thing, creating an unlimited wide spectrum of possibilities just like random lottery.
Have you ever felt that there were concurrent realities to your own? Maybe a reality where all those little decisions went in slightly different direction? In other words, maybe is just our own reality dividing itself depending on our decision .

We live in a world that is constantly changing and we are never sure if we are taking the right decision at the time, but why to worry, does not matter what decision we take, the other decisions were taken in other dimensions, here is where time and space rips apart to create the events on each decision taken, by doing this, you would have lived and experiences through other realities. This is how in our dream, we meet people we do not know but yet they are familiar and sometimes we experience deja vu, like been in places or things you haven't done yet. This is not a glimpse of the future but of another dimension.

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