
The Hopi Indians Prophesy

The Hopi are a group of indigenous Native American people in northeastern Arizona.

The name 'Hopi' is a shortened form of what these Native American people call themselves, Hopituh Shi-nu-mu, "The Peaceful People" or "Peaceful Little Ones".  This reflects the very nature of the people themselves.

The Hopi Prophecies put a unique spin on prophecy combining their rich Native roots with modern interpretation. Many of their ancient prophecies are repeated by others increasing their credibility.

The Hopi believe that preparing for the coming difficulties, changes and trials in this world will not be enough to get you through - you need to make a spiritual connection with God and live properly.  They have a very pure set of life morals, right and wrong. Live right. 

They believe that only those people that are on the right path will survive. 

Are they right?  Are their prophesies, the ones already fulfilled, enough to convince you to give them a second look?  Leave your comments below.

White Feather

While driving along a desert highway one hot day in the summer of 1958, a minister named David Young stopped to offer a ride to an Indian elder, who accepted with a nod. After riding in silence for several minutes, the Indian said:

"I am White Feather, a Hopi of the ancient Bear Clan. In my long life I have traveled through this land, seeking out my brothers, and learning from them many things full of wisdom. I have followed the sacred paths of my people, who inhabit the forests and many lakes in the east, the land of ice and long nights in the north, and the places of holy altars of stone built many years ago by my brothers' fathers in the south. From all these I have heard the stories of the past, and the prophecies of the future. Today, many of the prophecies have turned to stories, and few are left -- the past grows longer, and the future grows shorter.

"And now White Feather is dying. His sons have all joined his ancestors, and soon he too shall be with them. But there is no one left, no one to recite and pass on the ancient wisdom. My people have tired of the old ways -- the great ceremonies that tell of our origins, of our emergence into the Fourth World, are almost all abandoned, forgotten, yet even this has been foretold. The time grows short.

"My people await Pahana, the lost White Brother, [from the stars] as do all our brothers in the  land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy. we were told of  their coming long ago. But still we await Pahana.

"He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the elders, given to him when he left, that shall identify him as our True White Brother.

"The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.

"This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but  not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder.

"This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes -- the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies."

"This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes -- the coming of the white men's cattle."

"This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron."

"This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web."

"This is the Sixth sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun."

"This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."

"This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people,  come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.

"And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.

"These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle against other people in other lands -- with those who possessed the first light of wisdom. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White Feather  has seen the white man make in the deserts not far from here. Only those which come will  cause disease and a great dying.

"Many of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe. Those who stay and live  in the places of my people also shall be safe. Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon -- very soon afterward -- Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World.

"But White Feather shall not see it. I am old and dying. You -- perhaps will see it.
 In time, in time..."

The old Indian fell silent. They had arrived at his destination, and Reverend David
Young stopped to let him out of the car. They never met again. Reverend Young died in 1976,
so he did not live to see the further fulfillment of this remarkable prophecy.

Hopi Prophecies in Brief

Specific Hopi Prophecies include:

-  World War III will be started by China, Palestine, India and Africa. When the war comes, the United States will be destroyed by "gourds of ashes" which will fall to the ground, boiling the rivers and burning the earth, where no grass will grow for many years, and causing a disease that no medicine can cure. This can only mean nuclear or atomic bombs; no other weapon causes such effects.

- "Turtle Island could turn over two or three times and the oceans could join hands and meet the sky." This seems to be a prophecy of a "pole shift" -- a flipping, of the planet on its axis.

-  A coming "three days of darkness"

-  Upcoming food shortages and famine

-  The anti-Christ will play a part in the WWIII

-  Major earthquakes, with devastating earth changing effects, will strike



 Recent Experiments in 1998, physicists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), along with two European groups, turned the IBM ideas into reality by successfully teleporting a photon, a particle of energy that carries light. The Caltech group was able to read the atomic structure of a photon, send this information across 3.28 feet (about 1 meter) of coaxial cable and create a replica of the photon. As predicted, the original photon no longer existed once the replica was made.
Quantum teleportation of optical coherent states was demonstrated experimentally using squeezed-state entanglement. The quantum nature of the achieved teleportation was verified by the experimentally determined fidelity F exp = 0.58 ± 0.02, which describes the match between input and output states. A Fidelity greater than 0.5 is not possible for coherent states without the use of entanglement. This is the first realization of unconditional quantum teleportation where every state entering the device is actually teleported.



People Who may be experiencing  symptoms of ascension:
  •  Loss of interest in the things that held your interest before.
  •   Urge to relocate.
  •   Inner needs to simplify life and the need to do something good
  •  Twitching around the body.
  •     Sudden change in food preferences.
  •   Sudden change in interest.
  •   Getting harder and harder to follow conventional thinking.
  •   Absolute need to rest and relax.
  •   Feeling younger
  •  Urge to do what you like to do.
  •   Change in sexual drive.
  •   Change in sleeping patterns.
  •   Physical symptoms such as ringing in the ear and itching


Cell phones and cancer

This review summarizes and interprets epidemiological evidence bearing on a possible causal relation between radio frequency field exposure from cell phone use and the risk of tumors. In the past few years epidemiological evidence on cell phone use and the risk of brain cancer and other tumors of the head in adults has grown drastically, and the amount of data for long-term users.  Most studies of glioma show elevated risks. 



Soul Traveling and Dreams

While you are dreaming and soul traveling occurs, you go into a fourth-dimensional realm, where things are not based on time or space. Those are beliefs of this third-dimensional world that we live, beliefs that limit our ability to understand the basics of life and measure our existence on Earth. So, you are learning about truths that don't translate, or don't make sense, when you wake up with a third-dimensional mind-set. However, all of your dream-time,learning and experiences are incorporated into your unconscious and do influence you in a positive way when you most need it. So it's not necessary to remember these soul travels and dream-time lessons in order to benefit from them because they remain deep inside of us, always keeping in mind, that our bodies are shared with the spirit.


What if fluoride is not good for us? It helps our teeth and bones growth but at what cost? Here are the facts:
Fluoride is a term use to describe compounds from a poisonous gas called Fluorine. These substances have many industrial uses,and protection of tooth enamel is not the most important.
In 1945 the Russians and Germans, fluoridated their water because they believed that it promotes passivity to people, so they can lower the number of guards in concentration camps.
The dental association instructed dentists to use fluoride on patient. Soon fluoride was a matter of public debate, but the debate was uneven, it's focus is on the oral benefits of fluoride without mentioning its other effects, or even mentioning where fluoride really comes from.
Scientists paid by the industrial coalitions only said that fluoride was safe as 1 part per 1000000, and after that dosage, fluoride is bad.

While it can benefit teeth and bones, the potential dangers from this substance may far outweigh the dental perks. Exposure to fluorine can reduce IQ, damage teeth, and cause arthritis.Using fluoridated toothpaste and drinking fluoridated water causes a condition that is called fluorosis, it shows as brown spots on teeth once present. 
If is bad for us, why does it remains in the water supply? Most importantly, where does it come from?
The fluoride in America comes from aluminum factories and phosphate fertilizer. The fluoride found in toothpaste and in the water supply, are different. The fluoride found in water is a byproduct to the aluminum factories.
The manufactures of the A Bomb required millions of tons of fluoride, considering the first on the job law sues on the atomic program, were for fluoride exposure not radiation. This all might be a scheme to pacify the common man for a new world order.